Thursday 15 January 2009

Thoughts at Rotting time

Wowh, finally get a new post after 2 months!
Seems like my determination to update my blog is so fragile for past 2 months =,="
This post is to show that this poor blog is havent being abandoned by me yet, hehe!

After 10 months in Australia, there are many differences that I could sense once I've stepped down from the plane. Among those are friends and family. (im not promoting fnf for Digi >,< )

From this year onwards, it seems to be getting more difficult for our Heng Dai (CLHS) and Ji Mui (CDK) to gather around and celebrate events. Everyone got their own study life and may not be able chill out anytime and anywhere in penang like last time. Some of them in KL, some in butterworth and some in Singapore.

Despite of it, something glad is Adrian is back from Russia and we no need to see him one or two months once a year. Moreover everyone is still within Peninsula Malaya and able to meet each other once in a while. Although everyone do have their own group of friends in their college or university, we are still keep in touch with each other, and stick together whenever anyone is back in penang.

Anyway just hope that we can always keep in touch beside getting to know more lovely new friends in tertiary education. 一叶浮萍归大海, 人生何处不相逢 Looking forward to see old friends in PARTY 21 =)

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